Whole 30 Day 24

Oh my goodness, the last few days were hard. I really, really wanted to quit. I wanted to quit and eat some chocolate for my instant gratification self and I wanted to quit for my vacation self because, as I’ve said before, I’m going away this weekend and that’s usually the only time I allow myself treats: paleo baked goods, ice cream, french fries. I am sad about not being able to partake of those goodies this time. Let me put on my psychologist hat for a second and acknowledge those feelings, give them some respect, and then move on.

I wrote the above words this morning and thankfully, I was able to move on and am ready to tackle the next 7 days.

Breakfast: two eggs scrambled, ground sausage, kale, black coffee

Lunch: turkey salad (the same as chicken salad, but made with roasted turkey breast instead) over cucumber slices, 1/4 of an apple

Afternoon snack: black coffee

Dinner: leftover meatloaf from last night (I browned this in a skillet so it would be crispy – yummy!), side salad with avocado dressing and miscellaneous vegetables that needed to be used up

P.S. As I am editing this, I am on Whole 30 Day 5, round 2! A couple days ago, I broke down and ordered myself some NutPods (mentioned in an earlier post). Even though I don’t like flavored coffee, I do enjoy some real, whole cream in my coffee. I am finding myself really wanting to cheat with some cream and rather than give in to that urge, I thought I’d just try these NutPods that everyone is raving about. Well, they came today from my good friend, Amazon, and I promptly added some of the hazelnut flavor to my afternoon coffee. It is deee-licious! I really like the aroma better than the flavor, but the flavor is good too. Who knew!? So if you don’t think you can make it through Whole 30 without something in your coffee, definitely give these babies a try!