Last month, we took a quick overview of the six pillars of functional medicine and how it might be time to take a step back and reassess your plan. I gave you a bunch of questions to ask yourself. The goal was to figure out if your plan was working and if not, why not and where you might go from there.

This month, I take you on a little deeper dive of each of these aspects of functional medicine. There are lots more questions for you to ponder, but I’ve tried to target them a little bit more and help lead you toward making a plan.

Rather than give you a bunch of specific things to try, what I’d like you to do is take advantage of those one-on-one coaching appointments with me that are available to you each month. If, after reviewing the document below, you realize that your meal planning strategy is just not working, and worse, it’s causing you a lot of stress, let’s talk about that. I can help you really dig into what’s working and what’s not working and help you brainstorm where to go from here.

Really take some time with this. The goal of this membership is not just to give you a steady supply of new recipes. It’s to help you achieve your health goals. On every journey, you have to stop and reassess from time to time. Now’s the time for that!