This Week with Our Paleo Family – 5/10/16

This week started off with a bang. I was a little bummed about our short school week last week and was determined to get a lot done during these five days. And did we ever. The kids seem to have found a new motivation to finish as well. Seeing the finish line in sight is a great motivator.

Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I hope that you enjoyed your day. Whether you are a mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, mother-in-law, teacher or friend, I’m sure there are little ones who look up to you for love and guidance. Thank you for all that you do. This mothering gig is the hardest job on the planet.

I have one new recipe for you this week, although I feel a little guilty even calling it a recipe. This is something I usually cook when we’re camping. If we have this at home, the family knows I’m desperate. It’s not that it isn’t good, because it is tasty, it’s just not very fancy or creative.

Hamburger Hash

Cheeseburger (or just plain burger) hash is very adaptable. Add in whatever vegetables you have lying around, use whatever ground meat your prefer (beef, sausage, pork, turkey, chicken), add in your favorite condiments and toppings and voila! A quick, easy, one pan dinner.

The recipe as I’ve written it is what we usually eat, though the vegetables do vary depending on what I have on hand. It just so happens that I usually have onion, mushrooms and squash so they are pretty much a given. Sometimes we add peppers, asparagus, cabbage, carrots, even sweet potatoes if I have some leftover.

If you want, you can leave the condiments out of the mix and allow everyone to top their own “burger” with what they like best. I just mix it all in so I can control what they eat or else I have one that would eat a bottle of mustard and another that would consume a half a bottle of ketchup.


If you’ve been following my Whole 30 Journey, the final week just wrapped up. And if you’re counting, yes it’s a few days early. I gave up on Mother’s Day. What’s Mother’s Day without some chocolate or ice cream or cake or all three? Keep in mind, I have been doing this pretty well since January, so I should say my Whole 125 is finally over. For any of you who are stronger than me and have actually completed one or more Whole 30s by the book, then you know I technically didn’t do it right. I’ll get more into that in my Whole 30 wrap up coming later this week.


I’m working hard on my ebook of holiday recipes. It’s funny to be putting out Christmas decorations in May for photographing recipes, but those are the lengths I will go to for you, dear reader. There won’t be quite as many new recipes on the blog as I work steadily on the book, but I will still be getting new recipes out for you here and there. A few goodies coming in the book:

Fall off the bone ribs – notice the plate is half empty – I was fighting off two hungry boys!
Totally Paleo Overnight Breakfast Casserole – Perfect for Christmas morning
You can’t have Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie!


You people must really love enchiladas because that post if by far my most visited page. It’s one of the first recipes I posted and the photography is really awful. I’ll be remaking that one soon so check back as it may have some updates. There will definitely be new photos! I cringe every time I see how many hits that page is receiving!

Those are all the goings on around here this week. We’ve been under a torrent of rain the past couple weeks. If you have too, I hope you’re enjoying sunshine now. Get out and enjoy it!

“Examine me, God, from head to foot, order your battery of tests. Make sure I’m fit inside and out so I never lose sight of your love, but keep in step with you, never missing a beat.” Psalm 26:2-3 (MSG)